I must confess to a deep feeling of sadness having witnessed the dying throes of the previous incarnation of a club that was supposed to be the bastion of standards for our beloved breed. What has given me so much hope is that a group of like-minded individuals have put heart and soul into forming the Southern Eurasier Association and are all willing to be the stewards of sensible and practicable standards that should ensure healthy and happy dogs as well as ethical and fact based breeding. I do care deeply what our international, and particularly our German colleagues, think of us. We have been entrusted to take care of these fantastic companions and through educating our owners and mentoring new breeders we aim to uphold the sensible standards to ensure that we pass on well adjusted, happy and healthy puppies.
The majority of our owners are more than content with having a loving and happy companion at home. Therefore we should become the first port of call for advice or signposting to the most effective solution if they have any worries or concerns. Secondly, promoting group walks, events, fun days so that we can get together and share our passion. One thing we all have in common is our love and pride of the Eurasier and it is lovely to talk with like-minded people about this. The coming year still has its challenges but I am in no doubt each hurdle will be leapt, as I have seldom witnessed such enthusiastic people willing to rise to the occasion. We still would love to promote the Eurasier breed and that will entail discussions with the Kennel Club and public events.
The Willowfalls Girls |
I would like to take this opportunity of thanking everyone who has joined our association and especially those who have helped shape and form the new committee. It is an association for our members. The committee is there only to facilitate what our members want. Please bear in mind what our furry non-voting members would want! That is simple. They would always vote for us ALL to have fun!
‘From the ashes a mighty Phoenix arose’
By Ian Cottrell, Chairman SEA