Wednesday, July 8, 2020

SEA 1st Virtual Dog Show

By Harriet Lacey
One of the best things, in my opinion, about having a dog, is the social aspect. Making new friends, being part of a like-minded community and feeling that sense of belonging when around those who share our passion for pups, is something that is quite wonderful.
When lockdown was enforced across the UK and many other countries around the world, that social element was lost. Group walks, play dates and dog shows around the world have been put on hold, and many of us, myself included, long for these to return. So what better way to satisfy the itch than with a Virtual Dog Show?!
The Southern Eurasier Association (SEA) took up the challenge, and lots of our members joined in the fun. In doing so, we raised money for The Mayhew; an animal welfare charity that aids people and their animals both in the UK and overseas, and helps with the rescue, adoption and veterinary care of our beloved companion animals.
With 10 competitive classes, and an extra, non-competitive class to remember those now with us in spirit, there was something for everyone in this fun-filled event; and the SEA members did not disappoint! The entries came pouring in and our judge, multi-breed expert and Eurasier-enthusiast, Christina Chapman, had a tough job on her hands.
The show was split into two, a “Breed Show” and a “Fun Show”. The Breed Show sported ‘Puppy’, ‘Open Dog’, ‘Open Bitch’ and ‘Veteran’ classes, while the Fun Show celebrated ‘Waggiest Tail’, ‘Best Movement’, ‘Fancy Dress’, ‘Biggest Smile’, ‘Biggest Goofball’ and ‘Best Pack’. Our final, non-competitive class was ‘Rainbow Bridge’, where we simply revelled in the love for our dogs and remember those who may have left this earth, but will never leave our hearts.
In the Breed Show, entrants were requested to submit both a headshot and full-body profile image of their dogs. Based on the Eurasier breed standard, (which you can find here, places were selected, and the results came in…

PUPPY: Christina: “Some very promising puppies here.”
1st: River (Darchen Red River Rebel; 6 months; male) – What a super head shot and lovely alert expression, super dark eye & good pigment. In stance, absolutely right for age, nicely proportioned and Oh so promising.
2nd: Vienna (Pacific Coast Vienna Wolfsong Dignity of Lakota; 6 months; female) Yet again a lovely head and expression, dark well-set eyes, & good pigment. Looks good in stance for age, again a promising puppy.
3rd: Ludo (Darchen Kipawa; 11 months, male) Well grown outline; fine for age, just a tad 'bum high' Head & expression very pleasing, good dark eyes and nice smile. Should have a good future.
1st: Arnold (GCh Naku’s Major Dutch Shaefer; 5 years) – Impressive looking male, rich colour, well-proportioned throughout and super head and expression; good, dark well-shaped eyes and well-set ears.
2nd: Bel Ami (Bel Ami von der Traunseebahn; 4 years) – And really good-looking dog, great colour and markings looks well made through. Another really good head and expression.
3rd: Gustav (Alphacanis Gustav; 2 years 3 months) – Yet another very good, well-proportioned head and expression, good eye and pigment. Looks good in stance just a little leggy at the moment, which you would expect at his age.

1st: Skye (Jolene Skye von der Wolfswiesen; 3 years) – Beautiful feminine head and expressive dark eyes. In stance looks to be in lovely condition and well proportioned. Great outline.
2nd: Della (Albionspitz Tanzanite; 5 years) – Looks good standing with nice proportions, good depth of chest. Pretty head and expression, super dark eyes and lovely smile close up to 1.
3rd: Holly (Fridlyckans Holly; 6 years) – Another who looks very good in stance with nice proportions and good dark eye & pigment. Just not quite the expression of those above.

VETERAN: Christina: “Lovely class.”
1st: Bubbles (Buffspike Bubblicious Beat; 13 years; female) – Beautiful head with an expression that says, seen it and done it all. The wisdom of the ages.
2nd: MishkaBoots (Cewpark Creamy Chiffon; 12 years; female) – Lovely head and expression, so elegant and poised.
3rd: Kyra (Willowfalls Misty Dawn; 11 years; female) – Gorgeous colour, lovely head and a quite mischievous expression.

The first two of our Fun Show classes required video entries: Waggiest Tail and Best Movement.
Arguably one of the best physical features in our lovely Eurasiers is their big fluffy tails! Our happy-go-lucky pups sure know how to show them off when they’re in their highest moods. The placings are sure to make you smile…
1st: Jazmine – 91 wags per minute
2nd: Lux – 90 wags per minute
3rd: Luca – 89 wags per minute
Christina: “So only 2 wags between them, but highly delighted to see so many lovely happy dogs.”

According to the breed standard, the Eurasier “moves with strides of moderate length. Straight coming and going.” The art of good movement falls in a well-balanced dog. (Read more about what makes a dog balanced here:) Therefore, the fact that Christina struggled with this class in particular, is fantastic! (Sorry, Christina!) A very good sign for our breed. “This was a difficult choice, as I didn’t see a bad mover anywhere. Places were separated by small degrees.”
1st: Luca – Really driving so well off his hocks, good front to match and looked so, so easy in profile.
2nd: Lux – Only 8 months old, but so sound and positive for age; just had to have this place.
3rd: Gustav – Very good rear action, enough drive, sound in front, and easy profile stride.

Our remaining four competitive classes were guaranteed to brighten your day.
1st: Blue Thor A lovely Reindeer but the expression says to me: 'For goodness sake Mum how long does Christmas last???'
2nd: Annie – The jester – pretending to be a Jack in the Box.
3rd: Gabriella – Not a happy bunny, guess the Saints lost? 

BIGGEST SMILE: Christina: “I loved this class.”
1st: Isha Not so much a smile as a LOL!!! Sure this is a laugh ...
2nd: River Showing off lovely clean teeth with a gorgeous smile.
3rd: Timber – The kind of smile an older ‘wise’ dog saves for puppies.
1st: Lumen – Although I am not a fan of inbreeding I do think this is a good example of an 'In Bread' dog!!
2nd: Grietje – Was this an audition for a part in 'The Exorcist?'
3rd : Ty-Ohni – Obviously wants to change breeds and be a 'boxer!'

BEST PACK: Christina: “I also have to comment that had I actually been with the dogs, I would have checked every one in every photograph to see if there was 'Blu-tack' on their paws!!!”
1st: Fridlyckans Danish Delight, Glimma, Holly, Karma-Lily & Love Bug Lux – Gorgeous looking group and looked very well matched too. Plus I couldn't resist the little one in the middle.
2nd: Timber’s Puppies – Ooohh I wish this had been the ones the Judge could take home.
3rd: Arnold, Winnie & Hildy –  So lovely and looked very much a typey bunch but I think a little too well behaved to be true!!! 

And finally, our non-competitive class, Rainbow Bridge. I share this quote from author and Reike Master, Dr. Elizabeth S. Eiler: “There are spiritual guardians at all the transitional places in our mysterious multidimensional Universes. The precious sacred souls of animals are created to beautifully traverse these regions when their bodies are no more upon the Earth.
Our dogs are all stars, both in the current life and the afterlife. We use this class to celebrate the light they bring to our lives, and remember the love we will always have for them.

To wrap up the SEA Virtual Show, both the Breed Show and Fun Show had overall winners.

Our Best in Fun Show is Lumen, our “in-bread” (or is he “pure-bread”?) Eurasier.
Our Best of Breed is the ever-handsome Arnold!

All those who placed received their very own SEA Virtual Show coasters, and our Best in Show winners received personalised versions.

Thanks to all of your fantastic 130+ entries, we have raised a minimum of £218 for Animal charity The Mayhew! This is a huge amount, so thank you to each and every one of you for your generosity.

Special thanks go to Brigitte Mordan-Grimm and Peter Mordan, who sponsored the prizes for the show; to Jon and Hilary Cowdock, who worked behind the scenes designing and ordering the coaster prizes, and then having them sent to all the entrants who placed; the SEA Committee for allowing and encouraging the show to go ahead; our fantastic judge, Christina Chapman, for being such a good sport; and of course, to all of our lovely members who entered, made the show a success, and helped to raise so much money for The Mayhew.
Comments from our judge, Christina: Well now the results have been posted I can comment. First, if not too late, a complaint about a certain Brigitte!!! First she asks 'Will you Judge our Show?' 'Yes, love to!' I replied. Then she says 'It will be easy!!!' SHE LIED ..........! Seriously folks this was extremely hard, which is why it took me so long. There were some absolutely wonderful photographs here, some made me smile and some made me cry. But most made me think how even in quality and the movement in all videos was good; not something that can be said about all breeds. You have had my comments regarding individual dogs, but in most classes I could have closed my eyes and thrown a dart and still finished with a good one. Thanks so much for the entry; I am now going to lie down in a darkened room to have a rest!!! Christina XX P.S. I want River!!!”

Here's to our fabulous pups, and to hoping that “we shall meet again” soon!       

Monday, May 11, 2020

VIRTUAL WALK - Sunshine and Showers

Basingstoke Canal
by Ann Winter
Unable to host my usual walk from the Basingstoke Canal Centre, I decided to offer a virtual alternative as an opportunity for Eurasier lovers to have a little fun , to see how many would attend our ‘walk’ and the number of miles each participant would ‘travel’ to join in. No prizes -  as anyone that owns a Eurasier is a winner. 
However the 90 furbies clocked up over 36,000 carbon free miles !

In summary :
Across the miles to all our friends
Was sent an invite to attend
A type of walk not known before
You didn’t even need to leave your door
You came from near, you came from far
You were called ‘The Eurasier’
Across the counties many came
Your presence noted by your name
And cousins from around the globe
A throng of Eurasiers, young and old
From mountains high and valleys low
Your little paws knew where to go
The sky was blue, the sun was bright,
We really were a fabulous sight
And whilst this was a virtual walk, we couldn’t meet, we couldn’t talk
To have so many friends united
Has made me so delighted
And though our lives are now restrained
I know that we will meet again
They came from far and wide

Thursday, April 2, 2020

My Visit to CRUFTS 2020

My name is Helena Jansson, I am from Sweden and have been breeding Eurasiers since 2007 under the name Fridlyckans. Back home I have three Eurasier girls, and in 2019 my puppy boy Love Bug Lux found his way to England and is living with my friend James and his new brother Lumen. So what would be nicer than combining a visit to Lux and Lumen with a trip to Crufts and meeting some Eurasier friends and seeing some British Eurasiers showing? Isn’t it just lovely with all the friends we have on Facebook and Instagram through our beloved dogs and then to finally get a chance to meet them live?! It was just amazing to arrive at Crufts and find the Eurasier ring and discover friends all the way from Finland as well as local folk. Most impressive might be Johanna and Anna who had travelled all the way from Tammerfors, Finland, to enjoy Crufts to meet 2- and 4- legged friends.

We had plenty of time before the judging of the Eurasier to meet and talk to some friends. We found Leo and Mishka Boots or Cewpark Creamy Chiffon which is her pedigree name. Can you believe Mishka was once a very shy and tufted rescue? And today she was shining like a star together with her owner Leo. At the age of 11 this miracle girl entered the ring at Crufts! Quite an achievement and credit to you Leo for the work you have done with Mishka. We went on to meet Harriet and her handsome boy Luca, Albionspitz Rigel. Luca is a nice boy and had a very lovely sweet temperament and did so well in Post Graduate class. Yay and congratulations, well shown and you are a nice team! And finally we met Sheeba, Alphacanis Betsheba and Brigitte. I don’t know how many years we have been friends on Facebook without ever meeting live. So it was absolutely lovely to meet you Brigitte and steal a kiss from Sheeba, this adorable veteran lady.
It is always interesting as a breeder from another country to see the types of our breed abroad, as it seems most countries have slightly different types. And like in Germany, even dogs from different clubs differ slightly. We all have different tastes and prefer different types and since we have 3 different breeds going into the Eurasier, we sometimes see quite different types such as build, heights, heads, coat and temperament. It can be quite fun at shows back in Sweden to guess the breeder without looking at the names in the catalogue, and quite often we guess is right. I for one am known for (or infamous for depending on taste ;-) ) having a soft spot for reds or creams with a reverse mask and Samoyed smile.

At Crufts 2020, a little bit to my disappointment, most Eurasiers originated from maybe 2-3 breeders. It would have been fun to see Eurasiers from more kennels.  So I can’t say we really got to see that much of your beautiful Eurasiers that I know are out there, but hopefully there will be more entered in 2021 from different breeders. This year, I must say, I felt some of the Eurasiers were maybe a bit petite, both height-wise and type-wise.  I am used to bigger and more powerfully build dogs than some of the adult dogs shown today.
But I know there are a whole lot of very nice Eurasiers in the UK, so once again I hope to see more of you guys in the ring next year with your great-looking dogs that I see here on Facebook :-) 

Finally the judging started. This year’s judge was Mr Mark Cocozza. First out was a single male puppy, Kaydanmy Deluxe Edition. A nice young boy for his age and he was of course Best Puppy.

4 males entered in the Junior class and a very well deserving winner here was French male Phyre Des Origines de Faid’drone.

Harriet with Luca
Post Graduate dog had 4 entries and I could have taken the winner Silmoralbion Llewellyn back home with me. A big bear with a reverse mask and a ‘pawsome’ temperament. 2nd was lovely Albionspitz Rigel with Harriet. Both males were so well shown and presented; both beautiful young boys! 

Open class was won by Albionspitz Blue Moon. A very well balanced and well presented male.  Good Citizen dog was won by Caromarda Just One Look.

First out when it was time for the bitches were the Veteran Ladies. No less than 5 very well presented Veteran bitches were shown. The winner was Albionspitz Beloved, a lovely looking 9 year old bitch. And Alphacanis Betsheba and Brigitte were placed 3rd! Lovely to see such a well kept and good-looking almost 11 year old lady like Sheeba. And 5th was Cewpark Creamy Chiffon or Mishka Boots as most of us know her. ‘Pawsome’ to see a former rescue happy, safe and shining in the ring with her owner Leo.
Leo with Mishka Boots

5 Postgraduate Bitches and class was won by Silmoralbion Undomiel.
7 entries in Open class and the winner was Caromarda Okey Dokey.

Good citizen dog 5 Bitches entered and the winner was Albionspitz Tanzanite. 2nd place was awarded to our Alphacanis Betsheba and Brigitte. And if there had been a prize for happiest tail, Sheeba would have been the indisputable winner. Well done and happy tails Brigitte and Sheeba!

Best of breed was Albionspitz Blue Moon and Best bitch was Albionspitz Beloved. She was also best Veteran bitch and it's quite an achievement for a 9 year old veteran to be best bitch at Crufts.

Congratulations to SEA members Harriet and Luca, Leo and Mishka and Brigitte and Sheeba! Well shown and well done.

Brigitte with Sheeba
I think the UK Eurasiers and this year’s Crufts have nice temperaments. Sometimes we see some ‘sharp’ temperaments especially in the male ring, so it was nice to see such well-behaved and well-presented Eurasiers. One thing that really made me frown though was the stacking of dogs from some handlers. Eurasiers are a free-standing breed and should never ever be stacked! Let's hope this is just a passing thing and not something here to stay from some handlers who don’t know how to properly show a Eurasier.

I enjoyed every minute of Crufts 2020. All the ‘pawsome’ Eurasiers; the other classes and shows going on. Then a nice cider with friends. And the shopping…. oh my, the shopping! I am glad I was flying back with only a cabin bag, so I couldn’t shop much ;-)  It was absolutely amazing to meet so many old and new Eurasier friends. To each and everyone of you ‘thank you all so much’ for the lovely, warm welcome I received and I can’t wait to be back in 2021 to see you all again. Hopefully I will meet even more of the beautiful SEA Eurasiers out there. If you have the chance to show at Crufts next year do it. It is a great experience to be there at that show. And who knows… maybe your dog is the Best of Breed 2021!

Best wishes,

Monday, March 30, 2020

The First Virtual Eurasier Walk

by Becky Mayer-Esaw

for the video:

Because we had to cancel our walk today because of the lock-down due to the Corona-virus situation, we had a very different walk. It was the very first of its kind. The virtual Eurasier walk. Blue was so excited to meet his cousins and half brother Wolfie . They greeted each other with a sniff and a twirl. The excitement extended when Luca, Iris, Sif and Cato turned up. The dogs ran, leaped and did playful barks greeting each other like long-lost friends. Rex and Bella turned up with River; they sniffed the air taking in the forest around them. River looked quite shocked when Blue jumped into the stream and splashed about. River did not appreciate getting wet. Sheeba, Gustav and Annie quietly walked to the waters edge showing that the Eurasier also has a calmness about them. Looking regal was very much in vogue. Gabbi and Ludo bounded amongst the leaves making the most beautiful rustling sound.
The magic of our virtual walk is that our cousins from across the Canal joined us. Chevalier, Grietje and Rifka. And of course language was no barrier, these dogs have that deep understanding of each other. Just one look and they were in the middle of full play-bow. Every dog stopped when Mishka Boots arrived late. She strolled up to the pack, nose in the air and had the look of “yes these eye brows are real, no blading for this gal”. You could see hearts appear in the eyes of the boys as she strutted her stuff.
It was a successful walk Bubbles and Murphy were fast asleep as soon as they got home. 

'I hope you enjoyed this little made up story. I’m sorry if I missed anyone out. It’s taken me best part of a day to put the photos in once place'.    Becky

Monday, February 24, 2020

The Updated Eurasier Standard (FCI)

click here: The text of the updated Eurasier Standard 291

Update from the UK Breed Health Coordinator

Dear Eurasier owners and breeders,

Some years ago, a French research group published a study of GLAUCOMA in Eurasiers, as there was a small aggregation of such cases in France, and presented their findings at the IFEZ conference that year. If anybody is interested, I am very happy to send them the PDF file. We have, to my present knowledge, only a very small number of cases of this problem in the UK population of well over 1000 dogs, so you will probably all agree that even though it is distressing for any affected dog, we do not need to really consider it a major health issue in our breed at this point. However, it is worth keeping an eye on it in the future. To this effect have I asked my fellow Breed Health Coordinators and other KC representatives and researchers about the situation in their breeds, and this has yielded a wealth of information, which I am planning on writing up in a separate article.

Another, certainly more relevant health topic, HYPOTHYROIDISM, has drawn the attention of IFEZ (International Federation for Eurasier Breeding) again, based on a recent article saying that Eurasiers seem to have lower active thyroxine levels than other breeds. A team of IFEZ representatives, including myself, has constructed a form, which has been sent out to all our colleagues to be filled in, and we are hoping to have some results available by the end of the year. I will, of course, keep you posted.

When submitting the yearly HEALTH REPORT to the KC, I have requested the genetic test for Dandy Walker Like Malformation to be added to the Assured Breeder Scheme and am awaiting further notice on the matter. I believe most, if not all, Assured Breeders are doing it anyway, but it will be good to have it down as a recommendation or requirement.

It was very disappointing that neither of the 2 KC registered clubs, UKEC and ESUK have circulated my letter and request for collaboration and support for a BREED HEALTH SURVEY to their members, which I sent out last summer. In this context, I would however like to thank the Southern Eurasier Association committee and members for their continued support. Because of this situation, I decided to put a good part of my efforts into the IFEZ thyroid project this year. I do, nevertheless, plan to undertake a UK Breed Health Survey in the near future with the help of the KC.
Wishing you and your dog/s much health and happiness, and please do send me any health results you get for your dog/s,

Dr Brigitte Mordan-Grimm
UK Breed Health Coordinator