Sunday, June 20, 2021

Sun, woodland and mud - a normal Eurasier walk

It was one of the hottest days so far this year, and mum, dad and I got in the car to travel somewhere for a walk. I had a nap on the back seat on the way and mum and dad chatted excitedly about meeting up with all our Eurasier human and canine friends after such a long time.
Finally we arrived at the Basingstoke Canal Centre (which isn’t actually in Basingstoke) and met up with the pack. There was a fabulous array of Eurasiers, including Bubbles and Murphy whose mum Ann hosts this popular and regular woodland walk near Mychett. There were 29 people and dogs including some potential Eurasier puppy parents, who enjoyed seeing our wonderful breed “in the fur”. It was a great opportunity for the humans to catch up with friends, and for us dogs to explore and sniff all the paths through the woods. 

Fortunately, being woodland, there was some welcome shade and also a couple of paddling and swimming opportunities to keep us water babies cool, although dad did his best to stop me from my other trick of rolling around in the mud! After the walk, we had refreshments from the café and Brigitte (AKA the Furry Godmother) handed out home-made cake to the humans, which was very tasty from the crumbs I managed to forage from being in the right place at the right time! Looking forward to meeting up with the pack again soon. 

Thank you to all those who came along and special thanks to Ann for hosting the walk.
Julie with Gabbie