Saturday, July 10, 2021

My first two times doing dis fing called showing. By me, Lux.

Since my dad abducted me from my home back in Sweden back in November 2019, my life has been rather odd. I was introduced to a dog who I was told was my "brobins" or brother. Well I couldn't really moan because as far as brothers are concerned he was really kind to me and took me under his wing. You see, brobins Lumen kept mentioning showing, I literally had no idea what he was talking about, but kept hearing I was 'what hoomans call it' "entered into a show" or sumfing like dat. Again, I had no idea what they kept talking about, but it was coming up in March 2020, whatever dis showing malarkey is. Brobins Lumen wouldn't really embellish at this stage, I fink he was holding back on purpose, as he was looking forward to sawprising me wiv whatever it was. 

Then it hit, da big fing called cawona! I hear da hoomans and dad talk about it all da time. I overheard a conversation that my first show was cancelled, I was now 6 munfs old and almost an adult, yet they still won't tell me wat dis "showing" is! Anyhow, the next year became a bit bowring for me, I was not allowed to socialise like I had before, I could no longer meet my new fwends in dis country, like Della, who was also teaching me how to behave around da ladies. Looms can only give so much advice, sometimes you need to put dat advice into pawctice, but I was told dis is not possible no more. Lucky to have a nice bro and a dad who was still learning how to hold two leashes instead of da one, we did as much as we could wivin da rules da goovernment set! I know what day were as dad had da blinking news on 24/7! 

Over da summer I was allowed to do sum normal doggy stuff and met wiv some friends again. I am a quick learner, but please don't tell dad, he is a bit slow on da uptake, but tries his best. A whole year passed, I was now getting quite old and a teenager, I know as I know everyfink at dis age! Early 2020 dis word 'show' popped up again! Having not heard it for a while I fought they must be tawking aboot a big spring party or somefink similar but no! Someting was difforoont. The  way day were treating me was not da normal way! Dad spent 1 howl hour wiv me, wiv a short leash that didn't look like it could hold a big lad like me! He ran up and down in da field and den did some weird turny fings wiv me trying to get me to listen for some reason! Fings were deffo diffo dis time. I also had a posh baff which set my alarm bells ringing even more! What is dis show fing they speak of, I kept asking myself. Lumen was still holding back! I even tried tapping into his brain one night wen he was asleep! Sadly, I was unable to locate a brain but dats ok as I wuv him, he is da best bro a boy like me could wish for. 

Then it happened!  My dad got up one morning looking worse than normal which is quite some feat! For some reason he dressed smart then took me for an odd walk around da roads! Dis is not da norm! Why can't I go splishsplash like normal! Why dis clean Road to walk on? Dad was also being extra nice to Looms and me! Almost like he was feeling guilty for something! Forward an hour and I'd been squished into my car all alone, no brobins by my side!  No banter in da back of da car! We then arrived at some massive field full of uver cars! I heard some dogs barking and could see more dogs getting outa cars than I have ever seen before! There was literally millions of dem! It was so strange! I never knew so many dogs existed! Day were all shapes and sizes just like da hoomans who we look after! Some had really weird fur! Not like mine at all! Some had literally no fur! It was so strange. I was a big bwave boy! I strutted my stuff around enjoying being in da moment as us dogs are good at dat! It's somfink I try to teach my dad all da time! So we wandered around dis strange field den I bumped into my old pal Della! I mean who of thought we came all dis way and bump into my fwend! It was so nice! Della was able to explain why we were here. She imparted some awesome advice but I can't tell you as it's dog speak only for dogs! I did a bit of flirting before we set up camp! I say camp! Della had a good camp! I just had grass to sit on! My dad isn't very pawfessional like some. 

I enjoyed meeting lots of new people, I recognised some names, so it was nice to put a name to a face, people gave me lots of scruggles and patted me lots, which I like. We met some more Eurasiers and I stood next to some shorter dumpier versions of me. They said I was not a proper one of them but I know how to cope with rejection, so it didn't bother me, my dad has taught me well. I fink day were chows or sumfink similar! I watched as lots of diffo dogs ran around a fing called a ring! Wat dis is I asked dad? Wait son, all will be revealed, was his reply! I then saw Della looking even smarter than just now, like she was getting ready for a night on da tiles. She went into da ring and ran round a few times with some others and the man picked her out first, I fink he must have wanted to take her home for himself but Jemma wouldn't  let him, he gave her wat day call a "1st place" whatever dis means. 

So after some waiting around my dad put dat little tiny lead on me, he walked me into a diffo ring and we too did what Della did. I can't fully remember what happened but I ran up and down and da person asked my dad to do it again. Apparently jumping around having fun wasn't wat dad wanted me to do. It was fun though, I did it again but this time I thought I would behave. We watched another nice dog do the same, I sensed he was in the same boat as me and new to all dis strange stuff. Anyhow, the lady gave my dad that thing called a "first place" which made dad happy and for me, an expawrience I wouldn't forget. We did it again but this time we came second, apparently I did very well though for our first time achieving Reserve Best Dog. I would say I had a very good day with dad and friends, we met new people, the atmosphere was lovely, I heard rumours it can be a strange environment at times, but thankfully, it was one I coped well with, meeting some lovely,
friendly people. Dad said I was a good boy all day long and I slept well on the way home where I was pleased to see my bro Lumen who said he had missed me. 

Fast forward a week and we were at it again, this time Devon County Show, last weeks was Southern Counties Champ show according to my dad. I won't bore you wiv as much detail this time, as my engloosh isn't great, being Swedish. First we had a walk around a strange place called a fairground, dis was a totally new expawrience for me! Why do hoomans like spinning around on scary machines wiv loud noises called moosic booming out? Strange, anyhow it was nice to see people having fun even though I wasn't allowed to win a goldfish for my pond!

Anyhow we found a nice place to park up with Della and Jemma again and their professional set up, my dad had an umbrella but not much more. It rained early on, which was a bit miserable and I did my best to stay dry, which was hard on wet grass. 

We waited for a long time and eventually got in the ring full of all sorts of dogs! Big, small medium & me. The heavens opened! The man called a judge told us to retreat, this time I was quite wet but some friends let us stand in their tent while they dried my dad off who looked like a drowned rat! Dad did his best with drying me and I didn't look too bad considering, we went back to the ring where we did that run around stuff! We then got picked out for another first before all those other smashing dogs! I quite enjoyed the feeling. Maybe I am good at dis? Then again, maybe it's a fluke as I don't really know what I'm doing, much like dad. We went in da ring for a second time, dis time it was for best in our AVNSC group, don't ask me wat dat stands for as I can't remember, I am a dog after all. Dat kind man picked me out first again, so I was best doggo in dat group! I was on a roll! People took our pictures and everyfink. I won two rosettes but I'm not allowed to eat them even though I've tried! 

We then went into a biiiiig ring that had like a posh picket fence with a huge group of dogs, like more dogs than you can imagine. Dis time we watched others get picked, which was also fun, as they were super nice. What an expawrience for me! I couldn't wait to tell my brother da news! Much better than bowring old corona news! Let's hope we can carry on showing throughout the year, I fink I like it. 

Stay safe everypeeps and look after your best friends, our hoomans. 

Best wishes, Lux 🐕🐻🐶